SQL Puzzle – Eight Queens on a Chess board

This puzzle was first proposed in 1848 by a composer of chess puzzles called Max Bezzel and has since spawned much analysis and many variants. Simply phrased, it goes as follows:

“Can you place 8 queen’s on a standard (8×8) chessboard so that no two queen’s threaten each other?”

(Just in case, I’ll remind you a queen can move and attack any number of squares in a straight line –  horizontally, vertically, or diagonally)

Here’s one example solution:


By all means have some fun trying to find extra solutions to this with pencil and paper or chessboard, however we do have computers (and SQL!) these days, so the real challenge is to try find ALL the possible solutions to this puzzle using T-SQL.

Enjoy 🙂

Got a problem or embarking on a SQL Server project and want some help and advice? I’m available for consulting – please get in touch or check out my services page to find out what I can do for you.

Why Does Everyone Have More Friends Than You?

No, the answer isn’t because you’re a DBA.

This isn’t a technical post about databases, but rather a discussion of a statistical paradox that I read about recently. Statistics and data often go hand in hand, and many of us who work with data often use statistics in our work – particularly if we cross over into BI, Machine Learning or Data Science.

So, let’s state the problem.

I think I have an average number of friends, but it seems like most people have more friends than me.

I can see this on facebook – even though facebook friendship isn’t the same thing as the real kind. A quick google tells me that the average number of facebook friends is 338 and the median is 200. My number is 238. That’s less than average but greater than the median – so according to those figures I do have more friends than most people (on facebook at least).

I could probably do with culling some of those though…

I’m going to pick ten of those facebook friends at random. I use a random number generator to pick a number from 1 to 20 and I’m going to pick that friend and the 20th friend after that, repeating until I get 10 people.

I get the number 15 to start so let’s start gathering some data. How many friends does my 15th friend have, my 35th, my 55th, 75th, 95th 115th etc.

Here’s the numbers sorted lowest to highest:


If I look at that list only two people have less friends than me – or 20%. 80% have more friends than me. Why do I suddenly feel lonely \ How can this be?

If I have more friends than the median, then I should be in the second half.

Friendship is based on random accidents, and I’ve picked people out of my friends list at random. Surely I’ve made a mistake.

I could repeat the sampling but I’m likely to get similar findings.

The answer is that it’s not all random, or at least not evenly so. The person with over 4,000 friends is over 40 times as likely to know me as the person with less than 100. Maybe they get out a lot more (actually they’re a musician).

I’m more likely to know people if they have a lot of friends than if they have fewer.

This is difficult to get your head round, but it’s important if you’re ever in the business of making inferences from sampled data. It’s called “The Inspection Paradox”.

It’s also one of many reasons why people may get feelings of inferiority from looking at social media.

You can find a lot more examples and explanations in this post:


Got a problem or embarking on a SQL Server project and want some help and advice? I’m available for consulting – please get in touch or check out my services page to find out what I can do for you.

T-SQL Tuesday #114 Puzzle Party – Roundup

Here’s my round-up for this month’s T-SQL Tuesday.

Thanks to everyone who contributed last week. It was great reading your posts and seeing the different ways you interpreted the puzzle theme.

We had real-life problems, we had SQL coding questions, we had puzzles, we had solutions, we had games, and we had the imaginarium.

Hopefully I’ve included all the posts, if I’ve missed any – please yell and it will be corrected soonest possible!

Without further ado, here are the contributions…

Real-life problems

Michal Poreba presents us with a real-life performance tuning issue he faced. Can you solve it? https://dbain.wales/2019/05/14/the-sql-puzzle-party/

Kevin Chant shares an issue he faced with a SQL Agent job using PowerShell. Can you find another way of fixing it? https://www.kevinrchant.com/2019/05/14/t-sql-tuesday-114-powershell-puzzle/

Eugene Meidinger shows a real-life SQL puzzle from his own demos with heaps that he’d love an answer to… https://www.sqlgene.com/2019/05/14/t-sql-tuesday-114-an-unsolved-sql-puzzle/

Coding Questions

Kathi Kellenberger tells us about a deceptively tricky SQL question posed at a family party… https://auntkathisql.com/2019/05/14/may-2019-t-sql-tuesday-puzzle/

Jon Shaulis gives us a problem he was posed in a recruitment scenario, along with a detailed solution that demonstrates how he approaches finding the best solution… https://jonshaulis.com/index.php/2019/05/14/t-sql-tuesday-114-puzzle-party/

Kenneth Fisher asks us to solve some query problems using older versions of SQL Server – so we can appreciate just how much easier our lives are these days… https://sqlstudies.com/2019/05/14/how-was-it-done-back-in-the-day-t-sql-tuesday-114/

Games and Puzzles

Nate Johnson challenges us to write a SQL solution to help evaluating your hand in the card game cribbage… https://natethedba.wordpress.com/2019/05/14/t-sql-tuesday-114-a-puzzle/

Jason Brimhall supplies his solution for solving Sudoku puzzles using T-SQL as well as details of a database he uses to provide daily trivia questions to those he mentors in learning SQL… http://jasonbrimhall.info/2019/05/14/puzzles-and-daily-trivia/

Shane O’Neill takes us on a Loller-Coaster ride… https://nocolumnname.blog/2019/05/14/t-sql-tuesday-114-puzzle-party/

Steve Jones shares some puzzle resources from SQL Server Central and other sources as well as presenting his T-SQL solution to a Christmas coding question… https://voiceofthedba.com/2019/05/14/puzzles-t-sql-tuesday-114/

Is Bert Wagner a video star? The magic 8-ball says “Without a doubt!” https://bertwagner.com/2019/05/14/sql-server-magic-8-ball/

Rob Farley presents puzzles he’s encountered and played with before and reminds us to never stop puzzling if we want to keep our minds sharp! http://blogs.lobsterpot.com.au/2019/05/14/puzzling-times/

The Imaginarium

Finally, in a category on his own, Todd Kleinhans talks about his SQL Imaginarium project. A VR experience for people new to SQL Server: https://toddkleinhans.wordpress.com/2019/05/14/project-sqlimaginarium-1-year-update/

Thanks again everyone and I look forward to next month’s episode of T-SQL Tuesday!

Got a problem or embarking on a SQL Server project and want some help and advice? I’m available for consulting – please get in touch or check out my services page to find out what I can do for you.

T-SQL Tuesday #114 – Puzzle Party

A few years back I started running regular SQL workshops in my workplace. Teaching beginners the basics of querying databases with SQL, as well as more advanced topics for the more advanced.

During one session we were discussing the issue of knowledge acquired being quickly lost when people didn’t get the chance to regularly practice what they’d learnt. One of the attendees suggested that I should be assigning them homework.

I could see from the faces of everyone else present that the word “homework” struck an unpleasant chord. Perhaps reminding them of school days struggling to get boring bookwork done when they’d rather be at relaxation or play.

Okay, so homework maybe wasn’t going to go down well, but I figured everyone likes a good puzzle. So every Friday I started creating and sharing a puzzle to be solved using SQL. This went on for the best part of a year, then other things got in the way and gradually I stopped.

This is my invitation to you this T-SQL Tuesday. Write a blog post combining puzzles and T-SQL. There’s quite a few ways you could approach this, so hopefully no-one needs be left out for lack of ideas:

  • Present a puzzle to be solved in SQL and challenge your readers to solve it.
  • Or give us a puzzle or quiz about SQL or databases.
  • Show the SQL solution to a classic puzzle or game.
  • Provide a method for solving a classic sort of querying puzzle people face.
  • Show how newer features in SQL can be used to solve old puzzles in new ways.
  • Tell us about a time you solved a problem or overcame a technical challenge that was a real puzzle.
  • Or just make your own interpretation of “puzzle” and go for it!

There’s some great stuff out there already. Itzik Ben-Gan’s done a bunch of them. There’s Kenneth Fisher’s crosswords. The SQL Server Central questions of the day. Pinal Dave’s SQL Puzzles. And there’s a few on my blog too if you take a look back:






Let’s puzzle together, trying to solve the challenges each other sets, and make it a real puzzle party!

Have fun all 🙂

The Rules

  1. Your post must be published on Tuesday 14th May. This counts as long as it’s still Tuesday anywhere in the world.
  2. Include the T-SQL Tuesday Logo and make it link to this invitation post.
  3. Pingbacks should work, but to be sure, add a comment to this post with a link to your own so I know where to find it.
  4. Tweet about your post using the #tsql2sday hashtag

Got a problem or embarking on a SQL Server project and want some help and advice? I’m available for consulting – please get in touch or check out my services page to find out what I can do for you.

Encrypting an existing database with TDE

As mentioned previously, the process of setting up TDE (Setting up Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)) is the same whether you’ve just set up a new database, or whether you’re working with a live database. Once you turn encryption on SQL Server will begin the process of encrypting any data in your database. Be that 1 row, or be that terabytes of data.

I’m going to load up my database with about 1 GB of data so we can get an idea of how long this process takes.

CREATE TABLE dbo.SomeData(Id INT IDENTITY(1,1), SomeText VARCHAR(255));

INSERT INTO dbo.SomeData (SomeText) 
SELECT TOP 1000000 
FROM sys.objects a
CROSS JOIN sys.objects b
CROSS JOIN sys.objects c
CROSS JOIN sys.objects d;
GO 10

I then go through all the steps mentioned previously to set up encryption:

Setting up Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

After the last step:


I run a query to report the progress:

DECLARE @state tinyint;
DECLARE @encyrption_progress 
    TABLE(sample_time DATETIME, percent_complete DECIMAL(5,2))

SELECT @state = k.encryption_state
FROM sys.dm_database_encryption_keys k
INNER JOIN sys.databases d
   ON k.database_id = d.database_id
WHERE d.name = 'TestTDE';

WHILE @state != 3
   INSERT INTO @encyrption_progress(sample_time, percent_complete)
   SELECT GETDATE(), percent_complete
   FROM sys.dm_database_encryption_keys k
   INNER JOIN sys.databases d
      ON k.database_id = d.database_id
   WHERE d.name = 'TestTDE';

   WAITFOR delay '00:00:01';

   SELECT @state = k.encryption_state
   FROM sys.dm_database_encryption_keys k
   INNER JOIN sys.databases d
      ON k.database_id = d.database_id
   WHERE d.name = 'TestTDE'; 

SELECT * FROM @encyrption_progress;

I’m sampling every second, let’s look at the results:


You can see that the encryption took about 30 seconds to complete for (just under) 1GB of data. This isn’t intended to be a formal benchmark, but rather just to give you an idea of the order of magnitude of time this might take to encrypt your own databases.

Let’s say – just for the same of argument – that this scaled up linearly on a given system and you wanted to encrypt a 1TB database. Then it might take as long as 500 minutes (8 hours and 20 minutes).

The encryption occurs as a background process, but it will take some resources while it runs, so if you are implementing this against a system with large databases where performance is critical then you will want to either run it in a period of quiet – or down time, or you will want to monitor to check that encryption isn’t impacting your system too much. Experience suggests that it shouldn’t be a problem unless your server is already under strain.

There are a few things to look out for if you are monitoring during the background encryption process:

  • CPU and IO, both these could take a hit
  • You may want to look out for blocking caused by encryption, you can do this by checking the sys.dm_tran_locks view where the resource_subtype is “ENCRYPTION_SCAN”
  • Monitor transaction log usage with DBCC LOGINFO. While the encryption scanner is running the transaction log can’t be truncated and VLFs marked for re-use. This could mean the transaction log might grow larger than normal, so you need to watch out if you are constrained for disk space.

What if you run into any performance problems during the scan?

First things first – DON’T TURN ENCRYPTION OFF!

If you turn encryption off, i.e.


This isn’t going to stop the encryption scan, rather it’s just going to change direction. So now it will be decrypting everything it’s just encrypted, that’s likely to have just as much impact, and then sooner or you’re going to have to start again.

There is no “ALTER DATABASE TestTDE SET ENCRYPTION PAUSE;” command. There is however a trace flag (5004) that achieves the same thing.

If you enable the trace flag it will disable the encryption scanner:


When you do so, if you then query dm_database_encryption_keys you will see the database is set to a state of 2 (Encryption in progress) and the percent_complete column will show zero – as nothing is actually currently in progress.

When you wish to begin the scan again, you need to disable the traceflag and then set encryption on again (even though it’s not actually off):


When you do this the scanner will pick up where it left off, i.e. if it had got to 50%, it will then continue from there.

It’s important to note that the traceflag doesn’t actually turn TDE off. In fact if you add new data, or update data and it get’s written to disk while the traceflag is enabled, the data will still become encrypted. It just stops the background process of converting all the data already on disk.

If performance impact is an issue for you with the scanning process, you can use the traceflag to incrementally run the scan out of hours, pausing it when you want to ensure maximum performance of your systems.

The traceflag seems to exist for internal use by SQL if the encryption scanner runs into a problem, for instance if it encounters corruption in your database files then it will halt and the traceflag will be enabled.

This could be useful to know if you find you tried to turn TDE on for a database but it’s stuck at “Encryption in Progress” but the percent_complete remains set to Zero. Check to see if the trace flag is enabled, and if you didn’t enable it then you may want to check for corruption in your database.

More Articles on TDE

What is Transparent Data Encryption?

Setting up Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

Understanding Keys and Certificates with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

How Secure is Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) – and How to Prevent Hacking

SQL Puzzle 5: Prime Magic

Quite a few of you have read or attempted the previous puzzle SQL Puzzle 1: Magic Squares

As a quick reminder, when you have a 3 x 3 grid, a magic square is one where each row, column or diagonal add up to the same value. e.g.


All the rows, all the columns and both diagonals each add up to 15.

In the previous puzzle I asked you to write SQL to find all the possible 3 x 3 magic squares. After originally coming across that idea I discovered all sorts of variants on the magic square theme.

This time, I’ll ask you to find write SQL to find just one 3 x 3 magic square, but in this case one composed only of prime numbers? They don’t have to be consecutive primes (though they do all have to be different), and to make things easier you can treat the number 1 as a prime if you want.

Have fun!

Previous Puzzles:
SQL Puzzle 1: Magic Squares
SQL Puzzle 2: Eight Queens
SQL Puzzle 3: Knights and Queens
SQL Puzzle 4: The Beale Papers

SQL Puzzle 4: The Beale Papers

I’ve not done a SQL puzzle for a while so thought it was getting overdue…

I set this one for my workmates a while ago and people found it quite fun.

The Beale Papers are a set of three ciphertexts which allegedly reveal the details of a buried treasure. The tale is that the treasure was buried by Thomas J. Beale in Bedford County, Virginia, USA back in the 1820s. He entrusted a box containing the ciphered messages to the care of a local innkeeper and then disappeared never to be seen again – his intent was that the papers could be passed on to his descendants and they could decode the messages and claim their rightful inheritance. The innkeeper passed the ciphertexts on to a friend before he died, and said friend spent the rest of his life trying to decipher them. He succeeded on the second message but failed on the others.


Since the 19th century many attempts have been made to decipher the other messages and find the treasure. Even without cracking the code, treasure hunters have got out their shovels over the years to dig up parts of Bedford County without finding anything (as far as we know). Recently there are some claims to have solved the puzzle, but that the treasure was already gone.Of course there’s a good chance the whole thing is a hoax!

Your task is to repeat the deciphering of the second message, but to make it easier I’ll tell you the key.

Beale used an existing text as a key for the cipher in which he assigned a number to each word, 1 for the first word, two for the second and so on.

Then for each letter in the text he wanted to encode he randomly picked a word in the key that started with that letter, and then he enciphered the letter as the number for that word. Make sense?

For instance, if the key text was “now is the time” and the plain text is “tin”, then either (3 2 1) or (4 2 1) are valid encipherments.

The key text Beale used for encoding the second message was the United States declaration of independence. I’m going to leave you to source your own copy of this. Be aware that some of the real world issues with this task that you may come up include the fact that Beale may have made some inaccuracies in his ciphering, and the copy of the key text he used to code his text is unlikely to be exactly the same as the one you use. As such you may need to do some tweaking, spelling correction and perhaps logic to work out what some of the words are. Good luck if you choose to attempt this!

So, starting with the two variables below, write some SQL to decode the message (@CipherText ):


SET @KeyText = '<Insert your copy of the declaration of independence here>';

SET @CipherText = '115, 73, 24, 807, 37, 52, 49, 17, 31, 62, 647, 22, 7, 15, 140, 47, 29, 107, 79, 84, 56, 239, 10, 26, 811, 5, 196, 308, 85, 52, 160, 136, 59, 211, 36, 9, 46, 316, 554, 122, 106, 95, 53, 58, 2, 42, 7, 35, 122, 53, 31, 82, 77, 250, 196, 56, 96, 118, 71, 140, 287, 28, 353, 37, 1005, 65, 147, 807, 24, 3, 8, 12, 47, 43, 59, 807, 45, 316, 101, 41, 78, 154, 1005, 122, 138, 191, 16, 77, 49, 102, 57, 72, 34, 73, 85, 35, 371, 59, 196, 81, 92, 191, 106, 273, 60, 394, 620, 270, 220, 106, 388, 287, 63, 3, 6, 191, 122, 43, 234, 400, 106, 290, 314, 47, 48, 81, 96, 26, 115, 92, 158, 191, 110, 77, 85, 197, 46, 10, 113, 140, 353, 48, 120, 106, 2, 607, 61, 420, 811, 29, 125, 14, 20, 37, 105, 28, 248, 16, 159, 7, 35, 19, 301, 125, 110, 486, 287, 98, 117, 511, 62, 51, 220, 37, 113, 140, 807, 138, 540, 8, 44, 287, 388, 117, 18, 79, 344, 34, 20, 59, 511, 548, 107, 603, 220, 7, 66, 154, 41, 20, 50, 6, 575, 122, 154, 248, 110, 61, 52, 33, 30, 5, 38, 8, 14, 84, 57, 540, 217, 115, 71, 29, 84, 63, 43, 131, 29, 138, 47, 73, 239, 540, 52, 53, 79, 118, 51, 44, 63, 196, 12, 239, 112, 3, 49, 79, 353, 105, 56, 371, 557, 211, 505, 125, 360, 133, 143, 101, 15, 284, 540, 252, 14, 205, 140, 344, 26, 811, 138, 115, 48, 73, 34, 205, 316, 607, 63, 220, 7, 52, 150, 44, 52, 16, 40, 37, 158, 807, 37, 121, 12, 95, 10, 15, 35, 12, 131, 62, 115, 102, 807, 49, 53, 135, 138, 30, 31, 62, 67, 41, 85, 63, 10, 106, 807, 138, 8, 113, 20, 32, 33, 37, 353, 287, 140, 47, 85, 50, 37, 49, 47, 64, 6, 7, 71, 33, 4, 43, 47, 63, 1, 27, 600, 208, 230, 15, 191, 246, 85, 94, 511, 2, 270, 20, 39, 7, 33, 44, 22, 40, 7, 10, 3, 811, 106, 44, 486, 230, 353, 211, 200, 31, 10, 38, 140, 297, 61, 603, 320, 302, 666, 287, 2, 44, 33, 32, 511, 548, 10, 6, 250, 557, 246, 53, 37, 52, 83, 47, 320, 38, 33, 807, 7, 44, 30, 31, 250, 10, 15, 35, 106, 160, 113, 31, 102, 406, 230, 540, 320, 29, 66, 33, 101, 807, 138, 301, 316, 353, 320, 220, 37, 52, 28, 540, 320, 33, 8, 48, 107, 50, 811, 7, 2, 113, 73, 16, 125, 11, 110, 67, 102, 807, 33, 59, 81, 158, 38, 43, 581, 138, 19, 85, 400, 38, 43, 77, 14, 27, 8, 47, 138, 63, 140, 44, 35, 22, 177, 106, 250, 314, 217, 2, 10, 7, 1005, 4, 20, 25, 44, 48, 7, 26, 46, 110, 230, 807, 191, 34, 112, 147, 44, 110, 121, 125, 96, 41, 51, 50, 140, 56, 47, 152, 540, 63, 807, 28, 42, 250, 138, 582, 98, 643, 32, 107, 140, 112, 26, 85, 138, 540, 53, 20, 125, 371, 38, 36, 10, 52, 118, 136, 102, 420, 150, 112, 71, 14, 20, 7, 24, 18, 12, 807, 37, 67, 110, 62, 33, 21, 95, 220, 511, 102, 811, 30, 83, 84, 305, 620, 15, 2, 10, 8, 220, 106, 353, 105, 106, 60, 275, 72, 8, 50, 205, 185, 112, 125, 540, 65, 106, 807, 138, 96, 110, 16, 73, 33, 807, 150, 409, 400, 50, 154, 285, 96, 106, 316, 270, 205, 101, 811, 400, 8, 44, 37, 52, 40, 241, 34, 205, 38, 16, 46, 47, 85, 24, 44, 15, 64, 73, 138, 807, 85, 78, 110, 33, 420, 505, 53, 37, 38, 22, 31, 10, 110, 106, 101, 140, 15, 38, 3, 5, 44, 7, 98, 287, 135, 150, 96, 33, 84, 125, 807, 191, 96, 511, 118, 40, 370, 643, 466, 106, 41, 107, 603, 220, 275, 30, 150, 105, 49, 53, 287, 250, 208, 134, 7, 53, 12, 47, 85, 63, 138, 110, 21, 112, 140, 485, 486, 505, 14, 73, 84, 575, 1005, 150, 200, 16, 42, 5, 4, 25, 42, 8, 16, 811, 125, 160, 32, 205, 603, 807, 81, 96, 405, 41, 600, 136, 14, 20, 28, 26, 353, 302, 246, 8, 131, 160, 140, 84, 440, 42, 16, 811, 40, 67, 101, 102, 194, 138, 205, 51, 63, 241, 540, 122, 8, 10, 63, 140, 47, 48, 140, 288';


I’ll finish this post with an excerpt from the comments on a blog I found where someone claims to have decoded the other two texts as well, and know where the treasure is:

Have fun!

Previous puzzles on this blog:
SQL Puzzle 1: Magic Squares
SQL Puzzle 2: Eight QueensSQL Puzzle 3: Knights and Queens

Credit to Programming Praxis where I first saw a version of this puzzle – and where you can find many more!

SQL Puzzle 3: Knights and Queens

I thought I’d do another chess puzzle this month. This one is a variant on the Eight Queens problem:

SQL Puzzle 2: Eight Queens


Given the standard 8×8 chessboard, place an equal number of Knights and Queens such that no piece is attacked by another. What’s the maximum number of Knights and Queen’s you can place? Obviously you should use SQL to find the answer!


I’m sure you all know how a knight moves and attacks in chess, but just in case here’s a diagram:




The white circles show each possible move for the knight, i.e. it can move two squares in one direction and then 1 square perpendicular to that (or vice-versa). An “L” shape.


Have fun!

SQL Puzzle 2: Eight Queens

This puzzle was first proposed in 1848 by a composer of chess puzzles called Max Bezzel and has since spawned much analysis and many variants. Simply phrased, it goes as follows:

“Can you place 8 queen’s on a standard (8×8) chessboard so that no two queen’s threaten each other?”

(Just in case, I’ll remind you a queen can move and attack any number of squares in a straight line –  horizontally, vertically, or diagonally)

Here’s one example solution:


By all means have some fun trying to find extra solutions to this with pencil and paper or chessboard, however we do have computers (and SQL!) these days, so this month’s challenge is to try find ALL the possible solutions to this puzzle using T-SQL.

I’m a bit of a closet chess enthusiast, so expect more in this theme!

Enjoy 🙂

SQL Puzzle 1: Magic Squares

This is the first in what I hope will be a semi-regular series of recreational puzzles where SQL can be used to find the answer. I set these puzzles on occasional Fridays in my workplace, and as I now have quite an archive I thought I should start sharing them with a wider audience.

I came up with the idea for this puzzle involving Magic Squares by accident while trying to do something different – and getting it wrong! For a moment I thought I’d had an original idea but then it was “Hang on – I’m sure I must have seen this before.”

A bit of googling and that thought was proved right – I’m just not that original. In fact the first documented instance of these appears to be the Chinese legend of Lo Shu – possibly dating back as far as 650BC. I was only beaten by the best part of three millennia…

You may have seen these before at some point – but hopefully long enough ago that you don’t know all the answers! Possibly like me they ring a bell for you but you can’t remember exactly where from.

A Magic Square is a square grid e.g. 1×1, 2×2, 3×4, 4×4…. or n x n, where numbers are placed in each square in the grid such that if you add up the numbers in each column, row, or diagonally they all add up to the same total.

Usually you use consecutive numbers starting from 1 (placing each number just once), so in the 2 x 2 grid you would place the numbers 1 to 4, in the 3 x 3 the numbers 1 to 9 – and so on.

Here’s the 1 x1 grid:


I thought I’d be generous and give you that one for free 😉

So my first question is can you find a solution (with the numbers 1 to 4) to the 2 x 2 grid:


Having explored that possibility (not for too long I hope!) the meat of this puzzle is to find solutions to the 3 x 3 grid using the numbers 1 to 9:


In fact, using SQL, can you not just find one solution, but all the possible solutions? How many are there?

Share your attempts and answers in the comments.

Have fun 🙂